Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Into the Sir Ken Robinson's talk

The gift of the human imagination, must to be used for the good of the all humanity, but this gift it isn’t used in the actuality for the scholar system, because this system privileges another intelligences of the children, and not another, like the artistic and creative. This big problem would be a really serious in the future because, the freezing of arts and technology because the destruction of the potential of every student, results in the finish of greatest ideas or even in the greatest artistes. The Shakespeare’s genius would be destroy it for the actual evaluation in the education system, a system heir of the authoritarian and obsolete model. But always are brave people who make their future in his own creativity, just like the example of the choreographer who made in “Catz”, and right now is very Successful. We must don’t ever forget own gift of the imagination because, this gift could help to us and all the humanity in the infinite problems who we will cross through in the future.


  1. the most beatifful thing i the gift of our creativity, we should take care aout it, because it is very susseful and usefful

  2. The gift of (the) human imagination(,) must (to) be used for the good of (the) all humanity, but this gift (it) isn’t used in the actuality *of* the scholar system(,) because this system privileges another intelligences S/P of the children, and not *others* like the artistic and creative. This big problem would be a really serious *one* in the future because(,) the freezing of arts and technology *could lead to the* destruction of the potential of every student, resulting* in the finish WW of SM greatest ideas or even (in) the greatest artistes. (The) Shakespeare’s genius would be destroyed* (it) for WW the actual evaluation in the education system, a system heir of the authoritarian and obsolete model. But *there are always* brave people who make their future in his WW own creativity, just like the example of the choreographer who made (in) “Catz”, and right now is very Successful L. We must *not* ever forget SM own gift of (the) imagination because(,) this gift could help (to) us and all (the) humanity in the infinite problems (who) we will *pass* through in the future.
