Tuesday, 23 June 2009

The final post; My blogger experience

Create a blog with the concern of learn a foreign language is a really good idea, because this model, helps to go outside in the mission of teach and learn and breaks every normal way who I see before of an English class, and it’s really interesting that. But the sense of time is really a obstacle for develop own work, and it’s really uncomfortable delay in the activities, it’s really uncomfortable. Other impediment is the blog itself because, sometimes don’t save the work, but the big impediment are the computers of the university, some are really bad, because the computer’s system fails in the middle of the activity and you must to re-started all over again, and this is a really disagreeable (it’s happening to me twice) this is a really technique fail, but isn’t anything for this newest teaching way.
Using blogs is a good and refresh way to learn English, and I’m really enjoy it, because break the habit of college (overcoat in this days saturated of global test and the unsleeping nights), and mix some particular interest, like writers, pictures, paints, even own career, and that is important for the student, but even investing that, you don’t ever leave of learn, and this is the principal goal for this teaching way. Teaching by blogs really help a little improve my English, and more in the redaction, who are my weakness, because in the comments and in the post, you have to explain and use every topic who we see in Thursday class, and in the beginning it’s difficult, but in the finish, you learn, and this is the very important, because the English you must to practice, and the blogs to allow that. (speak is very important too, and I hope develop this area in the future)

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

the ideal job

Everything about culture, management and political science, it’s interesting to me, but my ideal job would be working in every social aspects and needs of the society. For this intention, (a very big intention) I need some skills like knowledgeable in every social science, economy, sociology, anthropology, etc, and need a certificated for this, like my career. I need too some social skills, like learn to express emotions, feelings and concern about the politics life, speak loud and clearly, be formal in the conversations and good modals. This socials skills are very important for a job in the social issue, because the communication are a topics basics in the development of ideas, and in the formal and environment of the Bureaucracy, you must to show your work (ideas) from a very good way.
I think I could be good in the area, because I’m studying something related from the society, but a good center of social management or organization of the social politics are very selective in the professional formation, and in the political ideology too, but I really hope to find a work place to be useful to society, and even be a good person.

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Into the Sir Ken Robinson's talk

The gift of the human imagination, must to be used for the good of the all humanity, but this gift it isn’t used in the actuality for the scholar system, because this system privileges another intelligences of the children, and not another, like the artistic and creative. This big problem would be a really serious in the future because, the freezing of arts and technology because the destruction of the potential of every student, results in the finish of greatest ideas or even in the greatest artistes. The Shakespeare’s genius would be destroy it for the actual evaluation in the education system, a system heir of the authoritarian and obsolete model. But always are brave people who make their future in his own creativity, just like the example of the choreographer who made in “Catz”, and right now is very Successful. We must don’t ever forget own gift of the imagination because, this gift could help to us and all the humanity in the infinite problems who we will cross through in the future.

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Albert Camus

In my opinion, the moral reflection of Albert Camus, it’s a interesting and necessary discipline about the existence, solidarity and the conduct of every politician, in this aspect his opinion about the absurd of the human condition, apply in the politics ideas, like war, genocide and dictatorship, create a new moral concept about the individuals and the world who cross it. He was a Algerian-French Philosopher and writer, and he wrote a successful essays about the politics in his time, the capital punishment, the human condition and the state, and solidarity, in this last aspect the novel “The Plague” it makes to a “anarchist totem”, and shows the authority like hostile. His point of view about any totalitarianism, results a brutal critique for fascism and communism making polemics in his time. I’m really like his bibliography for his total rescue of the human kindness and this apply in science politics and morality, generate a total critic mentality about the system and the human condition, in this he was the best, along with George Orwell shows the dangerous of the politics hostile in the normal person of the society.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

I am in this subject because, the social issues are my primal interest, and this subject give me that, obiously, the political science, the management and the history are very interesting like topic of study, and I m really like that. Anyway, if I can work in this career, im really supposed who I can make a good for the society, specifically the people, in this last thing, every citizen must to have a basics condition to live, he or she must to have to a right to a descent education or health, and this career of public administration, works in that. Im really like this major, I want to finish it and make money, Im simply honest.

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

the picture

I took this picture with a friend, and it was very dangerous in that moment, the police was very hostile with any person in the street and more with the protest people. the picture shows a public forces (special forces) in a protest in Santiago of Chile for the unemployment and another things, this protest was the last month (April 16th specifically) and was huge, it was a totally chaos and disorder for a very hours, personally I lost my friends and the gas it was very bad in the eyes, I’m almost run for mi life. It was a adrenalin and dangerous experience. I’m really, really like this picture because its look like a album cover of "the clash" first album in 1977 , its a very dangerous and fun album, personally my favorite album ever for the emotions and adventure, just like the picture, adrenalin and dangerous. Its contagious the feelings in that moment, really adrenalin feelings.

- give your liver a breather

i think is the totally capacity (psicological at least), who every teenager or young have a capacity of doing everything, but the same young human forgot own limis, and need it rest every time.

- quaff beer...

i think it means to drink with your friends (these friends are always bad company)

- stock up on plum, fresh fruit

it's a healthy advice, who every young must to hear

- Do regular hamstring stretches

a phisical exercises it's totally necesary in a "complex ife"

- Many blokes regard their 20s as their cowboys-don’t-cry decade
we always complain for our work and activities, but in the past .-....

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

The MP3 Player.

The MP3 player is a useful advice in the technology, and it can hold so many musical archives, which play like songs (always depending of the frequencies). This songs will be in format of MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3) or another similar (WMA, Ogg. Etc.) to replay in the player. I got my MP3 player in a electric article’s shop, and I am really use a lot in my habitual life, it’s a total entertainment to the subway’s alienation and so many boring things in the modern life. I use the MP3 player many hours, maybe I turn deaf, but I prefer that before dead of boring. I am really enjoy the life with a good song murmuring in my hear, walking in the sideways in the midnight, remember a lot of many beauty things, that spectacles if cant be possible without my MP3 player. I am really like it for this, for the total complex introspection, fun and serenity wich the music bring to the people (plus the efficiencies and comfort what MP3 player becomes in contrast to the CD or another music form). My life begin so many boring if I haven’t my MP3 player.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Van Morrison and the lovely and mistic dance

The everlasting is a complex situation, when you can see for first time the special grace of the lover´s eyes, when you remember yourself in your childhood and the tipical journeys to the park or simply enjoy an ice cream, make the eternal in a simply catch of time. And this record from 1968. it’s a little taste of that…